Certified - Proven - Empathetic therapists provide therapy with highest caliber.
Reach CDC provides certified - proven - experienced therapists having specialized training and credentials for children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Intervention techniques are determined by the team based on the needs of the child and family. Available interventions including: Augmentative Communication (Proloquo2Go, LAMP, PECS)
Cuevas MEDEK Exercise Program
Feeding consultation and therapy
Handwriting Without Tears®
More Than Words (Hanen Centre)
Natural Environment Teaching (NET)
Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT)
Parent Training Courses
PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
Pivotal Response Therapy (PRT)
PROMPT (PROMPTS for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets)
Sensory-motor integration
Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding
Social Skills Training including Social Thinking®
The Zones of Regulation® for Self-Regulation
Intervention techniques are determined by the Interdisciplinary Autism team based on the needs of the child and family.
Our Speech Therapists rely on years of experience and numerous hours of continuing education to work closely with patients and their families to improve communication, learning, and quality of life
Reach CDC autism therapy program offers comprehensive assessment, treatment and consultation in an interdisciplinary environment. Collaboration with other disciplines such as Occupational Therapy, Psychological Counseling, speech Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Other Therapies, is available as needed.