ABA Admission


Because each child is different and our care plans are individualized to each child

                  If your child is evaluated to have a need for Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) services, our administration staff will work with you in scheduling exclusive 1:1 therapeutic session for your kid. We do our best to accommodate scheduling needs but please note after school appointment time slots are the most requested. Our goal is to meet your scheduling needs to make it convenient for your family.

                 Because each child is different and our care plans are individualized to each child, we cannot estimate "how long" Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) will take in months or years. Our therapists will provide as much education as possible to meet all of your needs and answer all your questions. We offer consultation with other professionals working with your child in order to provide the most effective course of treatment and generalization of skills.

                 Discharge: Once the child is approaching mastery of their Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) goals, the clinician will discuss with you weeks prior to the anticipated end date. All recommendations will be shared at the time of discharge and you will have ample time to discuss with the therapist. It is never a closed door. You are welcome to email or call your therapist if you have any concerns following discharge. We also offer "refresher" courses throughout breaks and summer time for those that may require "boosters" every so often.